by Dr. Matt Chalmers
Chalmers Wellness
" I have been using Antler Velvet Max in my practice and have been amazed at the results I have gotten with my patients and with myself. I treat a wide variety of people from the weekend warriors to professional as well as Olympic athletes and have seen great improvements with all groups. I have seen significantly improved healing time for soft tissue injuries and joint problems. It has even been able to help those patients that have been involved in serious car wrecks. Many of my patients that have had sports injuries that required surgery tell me that they feel much better and that their surgeons are always surprised at how quickly they recover from surgery. The Antler Velvet Max has done great things for my own shoulders which had kept me from doing bench press for years. After the first few weeks I could feel a difference in my shoulders and now my bench press is back over 300lbs and I don't have any shoulder pain at all. "

“I am excited to use Antler Velvet Max spray! It has only been 3 weeks but I believe that my sprints are stronger and my endurance increasing. It is critical to increase my performance level at this time as I leave on Oct 14th for the World's Masters Track and Field Event (held in Porto Alegre, Brazil). Thank you Joel for introducing me to this awesome product!!”
Patti Brant Renfro, USATF Masters National Outdoor/Gold Medal in 100m and 200m,(W65-69) 2012 and 2013
“Since using MaxLife Antler Velvet for the past 90 days, I've experienced increased strength during my workouts with quicker recovery times. I've seen great results in appetitie control, resulting in a more defined physique. Not only have all of my results been in the gym, but I've experienced an increase in mental clarity and a positive mood overall. My cardio output has increased and I find that I'm able to run longer distances than I'm use to running.Overall, this is a great product, I definitely recommend it to those who want to feel better and see results in their training programs.”
Dave, Mobile, AL
“One of my passion is bodybuilding and i had always look for that special edge on the game. i had recently hit a plateau and was not getting any bigger. it got very frustrating to the point i thought i needed the juice to break to the plateau. luckily my best friend recommended me to use antler max velvet. after he finally convince me i notice significant gains very quickly, i had broken to the plateau. i couldn't believe it! i also notice better concentration. ”
Ricardo, Yuma AZ
“I truly love IGF1!! With my hectic life I take this at night just before I go to bed and it helps me fall asleep and get a really good night sleep. I have also lost some weight and I have not changed the way I eat. I urge everyone to try IGF1.”
Thank you.
Pam B.
“I have just received my second shipment of these Great Products. I started using them in early July and now, 4 weeks later, I truly do feel the benefits coming through. I'm a self confessed Overweight , Desk bound Accountant but I can honestly say that I feel more energized and alert since I started using them and I am feeling just a little more room around that waistband with my daily snacking much reduced. I'm looking forward to this continuing and will surely be Spreading The Word !!”
BigJohn - Scotland
For several months I had trouble sleeping and would wake up several times during the night. I knew that everyday stress and other concerns were on my mind at night. When I saw the "Nature's Sleep" product advertised, and read the information about the extensive research, and also the fact that it was all natural, I said to myself, I need to try this. The first night I tried it, I was able to go to sleep quickly. When I awoke, it was morning and I saw the light coming in from the window. I couldn't believe I didn't wake up to darkness like in the middle of the night. It was a great to have that well rested feeling that I hadn't had for so long. I must say that this product is truly a "miracle" for me. Since then, I've been able to consistently sleep through the night when I've taken the Nature's Sleep product. Thank you. It has helped me so much!
Ellis H.
My husband and I have been using the IGF-1 formula for over two months now. We are both in our 50's. My husband has bad knees, shoulders and hips. He has not used his stretch knee braces since using this product and has not complained about his shoulders or hips. I was skeptical at first, but now I am a firm believer in this "Fountain of Youth" product!
Thank you.
Deborah G. (VIP)
I am a Veteran and have been looking for a wellbeing product that would not clash with my exposure to dioxin problem (Agent Orange) You name it and I have tried it... and broken out in a rash in all the soft skin areas of my body.. yea there too... Although its early days with Maxlife it has given me hope in overcoming the physical and mental challenges I have. I have been wanting to drop off the extra kilos and find that energy I once had and the motivation to get on top of the PTSD merry go round. This is happening... lost 5kgs already... no change to diet.... no exercising.... but now feel like getting out there and facing the world. To all you vets out there... we are a large community... try this product - it will do for you what its doing for me and more than that... collectively together.... we can help one another enjoy the rest of our lives... I am 65 this September, live in God Zone New Zealand. ... so I'm in a hurry to not waste the time I have left. Renewed health, vigor, vitality,peace and security to you all.
Brownie H.